Sunday, March 8, 2009

Can I Get My Ex Girlfriend Back Today?

Trying to get back together with an ex girlfriend can be a delicate situation. If you are left wondering "can I get my ex girlfriend back today?" you most certainly can. It may seem impossible now. Both of you may be experiencing hurt feelings and if your approach is not well planned and thought out those hurt feelings may become even worse.

In order to get my ex girlfriend back today consider these strategies:

1. What caused the breakup? What did you do to contribute to the problem? There is likely a good reason that the breakup occurred. Girls don't just dump a guy out of the blue. What you think may be the reason may not always be. Look deeper into the relationship to determine what went wrong. Could this have been prevented and what can you do to fix the problem?

2. You have to let your ex girlfriend know that the breakup was your fault (if it truly was your fault). Admit that you were wrong. This shows her that you are willing and mature enough to take responsibility. When you demonstrate responsibility you also show her that you are mature enough to work on the problems.

3. Even though you and your ex are not seeing each other this doesn't mean that you should sit at home with your sorrows. Go out and have some fun with your friends. It's OK to date another girl casually too. This may create a little jealousy in your ex that will bring her back to you. You don't have to blatanly rub this in her face though. Be subtle without being a jerk.

4. Another way to help get my ex girlfriend back today is to show your ex that you have moved on. At the same time she needs to know that you still care about her. You an simply tell her that you need to move forward but that you still have feelings for her. You want the two of you to be together but you can't wait forever. This will help her see a mature side of you.

5. Work hard to build trust with your ex. Work at becoming her friend again. This will help the two of you become closer again.

Once you've established a renewed bond with your ex then casually ask her why she thought the breakup occurred. Accept blame when you should and discuss the reasons rationally. Control your emotions and be sure to listen to her side. Take her seriously. Once you can do this your chances of getting your ex back will improve dramatically.

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