Are you considering free online dating? Do you know what free online dating is all about? Have you taken into account all your choices for searching for dates? Free online dating organizations have thousands to tens of thousands people so it is like a club for online people. You can wonder around, view pictures, and even sometimes set up search parameters to help cut your selections down to thousands or even hundreds. There are a few problems with the system, but despite that, people have met their dates and even marriage partner in free online dating sites. On the other hand there are also matchmakers so clubs and free online dating sites aren't the only selections for finding dates. Before you go down that direction you should weigh all your options and select the one that is better for you.
First, free online dating sites don't verify people. Anyone can be online and they can say that they are anyone else. If you complete a profile, you will see that there is no screening process. As soon as you complete a profile, you gain access to the site. The problem is that you can't see the person so you don't even know if their picture, age, or gender is authentic. A matchmaker is a person meeting individuals so there is an actual person doing a basic screening just like you would in a bar or on the street.
The second issue is that free online dating sites do not verify ID's. A person can lie about their age, their country, their state, and their city facts. Many ID's can even verify what the person looks like. Of course if a person is determined to circumvent the system, they can use a fake ID and the free online dating site wouldn't know. At least at the bar you know they are in front of you and you have a good idea of their age. Even if they have a fake ID to get in the bar you can usually determine it if they are too young. A matchmaker gets to see the person while they look at the ID, but again a fake may still be used for age.
Third, free online dating sites don't perform background checks. When you communicate with a person online you have no way of knowing if they are being truthful or what their reactions are to your questions. If you can find a free online dating site that offers video chat than you can get a better picture but a person can still lie about their background. Of course most of us don't perform background verifications on people that we meet at the bar either, but at least we can interact with them and see their reactions. We can get a ‘feel' for them and what kind of person they are, but personal gages can be off especially if attraction gets in the way. A matchmaker can perform a background check which also goes a long way with verifying their identity. Background checks are crucial especially if you are a single mom wanting to guard your children or anyone who wants to protect themselves from predators.
The fourth problem with free online dating sites is that there is a chance of identity theft. If you trust a dater and start passing out personal information like your address then they can use it to steal your identity information. If you met a person in the bar and give them your address or give them access to your purse at any moment, they can take your identity also. People who acquire identities can be excellent con artists. A matchmaker may also get fooled by a con who is using a fake identity but it is much easier to spot somebody when you look into past addresses and jobs.
Fifth, no one from the free online dating site has actually met the individuals on the site. If you sign up to a free online dating site, you will receive computer generated emails. At no point in time do you even speak to an real employee unless you can call for technical assistance and even then you may just be reaching a call bank. The advantage of meeting someone at a bar is that you do get to see them and you know they are a person. The benefit of a matchmaker is that someone else has met the person and they have decided you two would be a good fit for a date. It helps to have somebody get to know a bit about your personality when they are trying to find you a match.
Finally free online dating sites don't assist you in your search for a date. Some of them offer you opportunities to fill in information about yourself, your interests, and your personality but often they have choices which don't fit you exactly. People have too many differences for any multiple choice survey to include every choice. Even when you can fill in the answers, it is really hard to say everything about yourself in a few characters. When you meet someone in the bar, you try to ask them questions to see if they are the type of person you are searching for but drinking and partying isn't the greatest environment to speak to a person with the hope of getting deep, meaningful answers. A matchmaker talks to people and not only finds out information about them but also what they are looking for in a person. You only get paired with people that fit what you are looking for and who are looking for someone like you. They can remove a lot of awful first dates out of your future.
There are choices for selecting a date. If you have already tried free online dating then you know their boundries and risks. If you have already tried a bar, then you know that every night you have a 50/50 someone whom you can even have a first date with. A matchmaker finds your first date, no more rejection straight to your face, and because you guys are a personality match there is a better chance you will get another date. Whichever way you choose to find a date, just remember to be safe.
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