Sunday, March 8, 2009

Science Meets Witchcraft - Using Pheromones And Hormones To Find Love

Smell is not often thought of as the driving force when it comes to attraction. Scent is hardly noticed unless it is offensive but what we don't smell could be the key to who we really love. Our bodies secret hormones that also act as identifiers of our makeup. Sexual hormones known as pheromones are released unknowingly when we sweat or are excited. Studies show that oxytocin is the main regulator of trust and bonding and is found during childbirth, breastfeeding, relationships and sex. If only women knew that the best way to attract a man is to sweat profusely the world may be a smellier and happier place.

Leave it to capitalism to exploit nature and natural secretions. Recent research has expanded upon the long held belief that love is a chemical reaction more than a mysterious phenomenon. Physical affection prompts the release of oxytocin in the brain which triggers a tranquil and trustful response. Lactating mothers secrete Oxytocin when breastfeeding which builds the parent child bond. The pheromones Androstenone and Androsterone come alive during periods of arousal and excitement. These love chemicals regulate our emotions in the same manner that LSH and Testosterone do but are not as well known.

While love potions have existed all through history, the efficacy of snails tails, snake eyes and milk of mandrake have never been tested and therefore have never been accepted by the mainstream. Perfumes, soaps and even air fresheners all have tapped into the most powerful sense: smell. Until recently, the relationship of smell with love and sex had been confined to seedy aphrodisiac lotions and formulas that never found their way into the average persons repertoire. Products once hidden in adult magazines and truck stop quick marts are now offered freely on the Internet which lends to their acceptance by a younger and more sexually expressive population.

Search engine keyword inquiries present astounding interest in "spray hormones, liquid pheromones and natural aphrodisiacs" As people more mobile they also become less physically social and need help when it comes to love. A match making site may provide the candidates for a relationship but the hormones still rule supreme. The lack of shamans and witchdoctors in the average suburbs combined with a desire to expedite the outcome could explain the increased use of natural love potions. Who knows, beer goggles may finally be "so 90's."

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